Battle Scars is a TV Series dedicated to telling stories about Veterans and Soldiers. For Season Four, they have committed to producing a full season of videos about PTSD and Wounded Warriors Weekend will be supporting them in this endeavour. In 2014, they joined us in Slave Lake to produce the following video.
Take Charge - Episode 1 - Goals.
Take Charge with Blake Emmons Episode One - Goals - Take Charge is a series of self awareness videos designed to cause reflection and understanding of life's principals on a series of topics. Today's episode is about goals. Please give us a like or a comment and subscribe to our channel.committee and people that participated including.
SU presents Take Charge with Blake Emmons - Episode Three - Dreams - Take Charge is a series of self awareness videos designed to cause reflection and understanding of life's principals on a series of topics. Today's episode is about dreams. Please give us a like or a comment and subscribe to our channel. You can also show your support to our Wounded Warriors with your donation at http://woundedwarriorsweekendfoundation.org
Freddie Lamar sings Don't Touch My Willie on "Live at Big Mama's House" produced in Knoxville, Tennessee at Big Mama Productions - https://bigmamastudio.com. Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation is a 501C3 supporting wounded veterans around the world. Please show your support to Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation with your donation at https://woundewarriorsweekend.org
2021 Fishing on Tobin Lake
This movie was filmed at Wounded Warriors Weekend 2014. Since 2012, the Wounded Warriors Weekend has been helping to promote healing for Warriors of all backgrounds from Canada and the USA. "What Are PTSD Service Dogs?" features Purple Cross and Kevin Cameron of Alpha K9 (Iraq and Afghanistan), Iraq Veteran Joe Kashnow and Canada's Joseph Rustenberg. Please share.
Take Charge with Blake Emmons - Episode Two - Confidence and Self esteem - Take Charge is a series of self awareness videos designed to cause reflection and understanding of life's principals on a series of topics. Today's episode is about goals. Please give us a like or a comment and subscribe to our channel.
Dave Bogie sings Neon Moon - "Live @ Big Mama's House produced in Knoxville, Tennessee at Big Mama Productions - https://bigmamastudio.com. Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation Inc. is a 501C3 supporting wounded veterans around the world. Please show your support to Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation with your donation at https://woundedwarriorsweekend.org
Dave Bogie sings South of Santa Fe on "Live @ Big Mama's House produced in Knoxville, Tennessee at Big Mama Productions - https://bigmamastudio.com Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation is a 501C3 supporting wounded veterans around the world. Please show your support to Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation with your donation at https://woundewarriorsweekend.org
Slave Lake Arrival
Highlights of our 2021 fishing trip on Tobin Lake. Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation is a 501C3 supporting wounded veterans around the world. Please show your support to Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation with your donation at https://woundewarriorsweekend.org